Pasco Economic Development Council | 16506 Pointe Village Drive, Suite 107 | Lutz, FL 33558

REGISTER NOW: GROW Pasco is Thursday, March 20, 2025. Join our entrepreneurial community for 15 breakout sessions led by over 30 business professionals as we explore healthy mindsets to build and thrive at this all-day conference!

TBWBC - Building Your Brand as a Founder and as a Business

May 6, 2021
This event has expired.


Date & Time:  Thursday, May 6, 2021
                               (11:00 am – 12:00 pm)
Location: Online 
Registration: No Cost 

Health is wealth. As you grow and build your brand or business, keeping yourself whole and well is equally as important to your overall growth and success as an entrepreneur. Often founders feeling the pressure "to do more" neglect their wellbeing and so end up feeling burnout and depleted. There is another way though.

What we will cover:

  • Tips to look after your mind, body, energy.
  • Personal Leadership-learn to be your own CEO first before your business.
  • The art of building your brand as a founder and as a business.
  • How to connect your brand with your customers to grow your reach.
  • Tools to help you develop both your personal and company brand.
  • Why your personal brand has value.
  • Eliminating imposter syndrome through this process and releasing comparison so you can focus more fully.

Register Now!

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